The Brief
The ‘Bring a Bottle’ Campaign aimed to explore a complex issue in an engaging way with the following goals for the festival:
- Reduce the environmental impact of the event by eliminating disposable plastics
- Effectively communicate the myriad negative impacts of using disposable plastics with our audience and the benefits of alternatives
- Inspire festival goers to engage with the campaign and join in
- Improve the audience experience by making the site cleaner
- Reduce costs associated with disposables and waste management
- Support the charity partners working with us
The Process
We branded the campaign, delivered a comprehensive communications plan across all media platforms leading into the event, and created merchandise that generated profits which was donated to water charity, FRANK.
Onsite we provided improved access to water, including free chilled and filtered water at all the bars, banned the sale of bottled water and used reusable bar cups throughout.
The Result
- 92% of the audience in a survey “understood the campaign”, and “thought it was a good idea”
- 93% noticed and appreciated that the festival site was much cleaner
- There was more than 50% reduction in arena waste
- The campaign generated the highest spike in Facebook Likes of any post in 2013, and has received significant national media coverage
- 10,000 plastic water bottles and 75,000 bar cups were prevented from being used once.
- The initiative was cost-neutral to the festival
- 10% of the audience purchased a branded bottle raising £3000 for charity